5 Reasons why you should be longboarding in college

Tenny Kim
5 min readFeb 15, 2021
Photo by Adrian Araya | CC Search

Longboarding is one of those hobbies you thought was useless in middle and high school. Unfortunately, it’s associated with that cringey, angsty phase we all had growing up. Well, wait until you find out longboarding is more than a quirky pastime for teenagers, but also a surprisingly useful transportation method coupled with a fun, healthy activity. Plus, you look cool while doing it.

Longboarding is a great skill to pick up especially in college. It’s not just picking up an awesome hobby, or a money-saving tip to get to classes, although it is both those things. Longboarding is so much more — adventure, relaxation, freedom, how much of that are you getting in college right now? You’ve only got those fresh knees for so long, so take the opportunity and add “learn how to longboard” to the to-do list!

1.) Longboarding Saves Money

Photo by Sebastian Voortman | Pexels

As always, the first consideration of doing anything in college requires one crucial question, “How expensive is it?” Thankfully, longboarding is an inexpensive hobby, and it pays off its price more and more as time goes on. The base price for a longboard possesses a wide range, anywhere between 50–300 dollars depending on quality. I would say starting out, around 100 dollars is a good beginning price.

Now, you might say that’s a little expensive, but you have to remember how you are going to purchase a longboard. Buying a prebuilt one is fine, and I would even recommend it if you are a beginner longboarder who doesn’t want to go through the hassle of picking out parts. However, if you are willing to put in the research time and buy the individual necessary parts (which can all be bought at discounted prices), you can fit a tighter budget.

However, the magic of the cost of a longboard isn’t in the base price. The cost-efficiency really kicks in when you start longboarding to class, coffee shops, libraries, work, etc. Say goodbye to gas money and parking passes, and embrace the freedom of transportation!

2.) It’s a Great Way to Lose Weight

Photo by Messala Ciulla | Pexels

Is it that crazy of an idea that losing weight can be fun? It’s one of those lines that fitness gurus and diet champions use to lure you in — but let’s face it, going to the gym and eating salads are tough.

With longboarding, that phrase can actually turn true. With longboarding, losing weight is a byproduct of the actual act of longboarding, and I don’t know anyone who calls longboarding a chore. Simply going out on adventures, going to class, little bits of your day when you are longboarding is contributing to exercise.

The best part is, longboarding is a lot more healthy than you realize. It’s not just simply cardio, it also helps with your balance and flexibility among other things. You obviously burn calories and get you those calf complements, but its also working on getting you more relaxed and ready for everyday life.

3.) Longboarding is “Better” than Skateboarding

Photo by Khoa Hyunh | Pexels

Okay, just kidding. Skateboarding is a completely different activity that has its own pros and cons, but talking from a college standpoint, I think longboarding is a little more valuable and viable.

Speaking from experience, skateboarding over asphalt and cracks sucks. A lot. A big reason to getting into longboarding over skateboarding in college can be worth it just in the significant difference of leg pain you will have after longboarding to class vs. skating to class. Longboarding is made for long distances, especially if you get a cruiser-style board. Skateboards are more trick-oriented, but will get you to less farther places.

4.) Get Your Adventure On

Photo by Pixabay | Pexels

I can tell you longboarding won’t be 100 percent worth it if you are getting into longboarding purely for one of the reasons above. Yes, its great for transportation, cost, health and all that but at the end of the day, you have to realize the possibilities that are opened up to you by learning this skill.

How often do you really have adventures in college? How often do you feel that thrill, the adrenaline, mental and physical? With longboarding, you get that every time.

Something as mundane as grocery trips are upgraded instantly when you ride your longboard there. The way the wind rips off your face, zooming through streets and stoplights — it really is a pure form of freedom. And it’s only the beginning. If you’re a real adrenaline junkie, look into downhill longboarding — there’s nothing else like it.

5.) It’s Super Easy to Get Into

Photo by Gratisography | Pexels

Perhaps the best part of getting into longboarding is how easy it is. Some of you might already have tried it and said it wasn’t for you — I encourage you to try just one more time, and to heed my following words.

Because what I’ve found out is that it’s not the learning curve that disinterests most people when they try to get into longboarding, its this idea of not wanting to embarrass yourself in front of random people by eating a nasty crack or curb.

Well, there’s no easy way to break this — but that’s just how longboarding works. I’ve done it, Tony Hawk’s done it, everybody who has ever boarded in their life has ate dirt in front of some random people. In fact, you might do it a lot. Quick tip — don’t start out longboarding in nice clothes, they will be scratched to hell.

So ignoring the embarrassing parts, I can promise you learning how to longboard is not difficult at all. The learning curve can depend on your current athletic level, but practice overcomes all bounds. The humiliating falls will stop after a while, so just give it one more try the next day. I can promise you it pays off.

